Article ID: ART138378 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015




Before Installation

About Licenses

You must have one license per installed computer.

To add Viewers, you must purchase the required number of licenses separately

Use an NTFS Formatted Drive

The drive you install the software on and the drive for saving recorded images must be in NTFS format.

Set Up the Cameras

You must set up any cameras that you will use with this software before starting operation. For details, refer to the camera manual.

Stop Other Applications

Stop other applications that are running on the computer, such as anti-virus software, before installing the software.

Create a Backup

Before upgrading or reinstalling the software, it is recommended that you create a backup.


How to Install the Software


You must log on to the computer as a computer administrator to install this software.

1 Insert the installation CD-ROM into the CD drive.

This starts the installer automatically. If the installer does not automatically start, open the CD-ROM directory using Windows Explorer and double-click RM20setup.exe.



  • Double-click RMLiteInstall.exe in the [Applications] folder on the setup CD-ROM included with the camera.

  • When the [User Account Control] dialog box appears, click [Yes] or [Continue].

  • If .NET Framework 3.5 is not installed on your computer, a dialog box is displayed asking you to install .NET Framework 3.5. Click [Install] to start installation of .NET Framework 3.5.

The .NET Framework is not automatically installed. Download the install file from the Microsoft download center and install it, or use the installer in the [Applications] folder on the setup CD-ROM included with the camera.


2 Click [Next].


3 Read the license agreement carefully. Click [I accept the terms in the license agreement], if you accept them, and then click [Next] to continue

The license key input dialog box is not displayed.

Instead, enter your name and affiliation in the dialog box that is displayed and click [Next].


5 Click [Next].


If you change the network interface or IP address after this point, you will need to reinstall the software



  •  When installing on a PC that has multiple network interfaces, select the network interface to use in the [Network adapter] list and the assigned IP address in the [IP address] list.

  • If you clear the [Add storage server programs to the Windows Firewall exception list.] check box, you need to configure Windows Firewall after the installation is complete. For details, see “Windows Firewall Settings


7 Click [Install].


9 Click [Yes] to restart the computer.

An icon appears on your desktop when the installation is complete.


  • You must restart the computer to enable the settings that were made during the installation.

  • You must configure the operating system after installation. For details, see “Settings After Installation”

  • If you reinstall this software after uninstalling it, the setting configurations before uninstallation will not be retained.