How to load the license file for PosterArtist offline authentication.
Article ID: ART139152 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 11/02/2015


Follow these steps to properly load the license file sent to you and complete the PosterArtist license authentication offline process.


Loading the License File

Follow these steps to properly load the license file sent to you and complete the PosterArtist license authentication offline process.

1. On the [License Authentication] window, select [Offline Authentication] and [Read License], and then click the [Next] button. The window will appear as shown below. Specify a license file, and then click the [Next] button.


  • To specify a license file, either enter the full path in the [License File:] field or click the [Browse...] button and select the license file that was sent to you.
  • If the license file cannot be loaded, an error message will appear on the screen. Click the [Back] button, and then specify a license file again.

2. The window appears as shown below. Click the [Finished] button. License authentication is complete, and PosterArtist will start up.

Select [Trial] on the [License Authentication] window if you want to use PosterArtist before you receive the license file. Once the trial period has expired, you will not be able to use PosterArtist until you have performed the license authentication process.