Specifying the Basic Settings for Faxing - MX522

Article ID: ART139437 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 01/30/2020


Learn how to specify basic settings for faxing with your PIXMA MX522.



You can set the sender information such as date / time, unit name, and unit fax / telephone number.

About the Sender Information

If the unit name and unit fax/telephone number are registered, they are printed with date and time as sender information on the recipient's fax.

  1. Date and time of transmission

  2. Unit fax/telephone number

  3. Unit name

  4. The registered recipient's name is printed when sending faxes with the coded speed dial.

  5. Page number


  • You can print the User's data list to confirm the sender information you have registered.

  • When sending faxes in black & white, you can select whether to print the sender information inside or outside the image area.
    Specify the setting on TTI position in Advanced FAX settings under FAX settings.

  • You can select the date print format from three formats: YYYY/MM/DDMM/DD/YYYY, and DD/MM/YYYY.
    Select the date print format on Date display format under Device user settings.


Setting the Date and Time

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the MENU button.
    The menu screen is displayed.

  3. Select  Setup, then press the OK button.

  4. Select  Device settings, then press the OK button.

  5. Use the   buttons to select Device user settings, then press the OK button.

  6. Use the   button to select Date / time setting, then press the OK button.

  7. Set the date and time.

    Use the   buttons to move the cursor under the desired position, then use the   button to enter the date and time.

    Enter the date and time in 24-hour format.

    Enter only the last two digits of the year.

  8. Press the OK button.

  9. Press the FAX button to return to the Fax standby screen.


Setting Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time)

Some countries adopt the daylight saving time (summer time) system that shifts the clock time forward at certain periods of the year.
You can set your machine to automatically change the time by registering the date and time that daylight saving time (summer time) begins and ends.


  • Not all the latest information of all countries or regions is applied for Summer time setting by default. You need to change the default setting according to the latest information of your country or region.

  • This setting may not be available depending on the country or region of purchase.


  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the MENU button.
    The menu screen is displayed.

  3. Select  Setup, then press the OK button.

  4. Select  Device settings, then press the OK button.

  5. Use the   buttons to select Device user settings, then press the OK button.

  6. Use the   button to select Summer time setting, then press the OK button.

  7. Use the   button to select ON, then press the OK button.
    To disable summer time, select OFF.

  8. Set the date and time when summer time starts.

    1. Set the date when summer time starts.
      Use the   buttons to change the setting item, use the  buttons to change the setting, then use the OK button to confirm the selection.

    2. Set the time (in 24-hour format) when summer time starts.
      Use the  buttons to move the cursor under the desired position, use the   buttons to enter the time, then press the OK button.
      Precede single digits with a zero.

  9. Set the date and time when summer time ends.

    1. Set the date when summer time ends.
      Use the   buttons to change the setting item, use the  button to change the setting, then use the OK button to confirm the selection.

    2. Set the time (in 24-hour format) when summer time ends.
      Use the  buttons to move the cursor under the desired position, use the   button to enter the time, then press the OK button.
      Precede single digits with a zero.

  10. Press the FAX button to return to the Fax standby screen.


Registering User Information

This section describes the procedure to register the user information.

  • Before sending a fax, be sure to enter your name and fax / telephone number in Unit name and Unit TEL on the User information settings screen (for US only).


  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the MENU button.
    The menu screen is displayed.

  3. Select  Setup, then press the OK button.

  4. Select  Device settings, then press the OK button.

  5. Use the  buttons to select FAX settings, then press the OK button.

  6. Use the  buttons to select FAX user settings, then press the OK button.

  7. Use the  button sto select User information settings, then press the OK button.
    The screen to register the unit name and the unit fax/telephone number is displayed.

  8. Enter the unit name.

    1. Use the  buttons to move the cursor to Unit name.

    2. Enter the unit name.


  1. Enter the unit fax/telephone number.

    1. Use the  button to move the cursor to Unit TEL.

    2. Enter the unit fax/telephone number.


  1. Press the OK button to finalize registration.

  2. Press the FAX button to return to the Fax standby screen.




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