What to do if your receive a Lens Error Message
Article ID: ART142136 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 03/03/2020


What to do if your receive a Lens Error Message


Lens Error

This error may occur if the lens is held while it is moving, or when the camera is used in dusty or sandy locations.

Remove the main battery and replace it with a fully charge one and turn the camera back on.

If that does not correct the error, or if the error is frequently displayed, it may indicate camera damage. 

We suggest the following actions:


Call our Canon Customer Support Center
  For toll-free technical support, please click here for phone numbers and hours.

For additional support options: www.usa.canon.com/support

Or you can arrange for repair at - http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/online_repair_tracking/consumer/digital_cameras

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