Canon CameraWindow for Android 1.1 (or later) - I cannot view the images in the camera ("This function cannot be used with the camera's current settings") (PowerShot N)
Article ID: ART143807 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 11/16/2015


Canon CameraWindow for Android 1.1 (or later) - I cannot view the images in the camera ("This function cannot be used with the camera's current settings") (PowerShot N)


The camera's [View Settings] have been set to [Off].
Before connecting with an Android device, change the camera's view settings.

1. Press the <Playback> () button to turn on the camera.

2. Touch [ ].

3. A screen like the following one appears.

4. Touch <><> to display the Wi-Fi menu.

5. Choose [ ].

6. Touch [Edit a Device].

7. Choose the desired Android device.

8. Set the [View Settings] to [On].

9. Touch [ ].

This concludes the steps for changing the camera's view settings.