Learning about Color Matching
Article ID: ART148901 | Date published: 05/20/2015 | Date last updated: 01/25/2016


Color Matching adjusts devices to match the colors of an image displayed on a monitor or a printed image.


Color Matching

Color Matching adjusts devices as shown below to match the colors of an image displayed on a monitor or a printed image with the colors of the original document.

Example: When sRGB is selected as the output profile (target)




ScanGear converts the image's color space from the scanner's color space to sRGB.

When displaying on a monitor, the image's color space is converted from sRGB to the monitor's color space based on the operating system's monitor settings and the application's working space settings.

When printing, the image's color space is converted from sRGB to the printer's color space based on the application's print settings and the printer driver's settings.