Setting up DRPD on the FAX-JX200
Article ID: ART151621 | Date published: 05/22/2015 | Date last updated: 12/29/2015


DRPD service assigns two or more telephone numbers with distinctive ring patterns to a single telephone line, allowing you to have both a fax number(s) and a telephone number(s) using only one telephone line.


Receiving with a DRPD (Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection) service: DRPD

DRPD service assigns two or more telephone numbers with distinctive ring patterns to a single telephone line, allowing you to have a fax number(s) and a telephone number(s) using only one telephone line. Your fax will automatically monitor incoming calls and based on the ring
pattern, will let you know if the call is a fax or voice call. Follow the procedure below to set the fax ring pattern that matches the pattern assigned by your telephone company.

Note : Contact your local telephone company for detailed information on this service.

  1. Press <Menu>.

  2. Use to select [DATA REGSTRATION], then press <Start/Copy>. The LCD displays [USER SETTINGS].

  3. Use to select [RX SETTINGS], then press <Start/Copy>. The LCD displays [ECM RX].

  4. Use to select [DRPD:SELECT FAX], then press <Start/Copy>. The LCD displays [DOUBLE RING].

  5. Use to select the ring pattern that your telephone company assigned to your fax number, then press <Start/Copy>. You can select [NORMAL RING], [DOUBLE RING], [SHORT-SHORT-LONG], [SHORT-LONG- SHORT], or [OTHER RING TYPE].

  6. Press <Stop>. Setting ends and the fax returns to standby mode.