Send a fax using delayed sending on B45
Article ID: ART152287 | Date published: 05/22/2015 | Date last updated: 12/29/2015


Your fax can send a document automatically at a preset time. This allows you to take advantage of lower late-night long-distance rates offered by some telephone companies.


Delayed Sending

Your fax can send a document automatically at a preset time. This allows you to take advantage of lower late-night long distance rates offered by some telephone companies.

  1. Insert the top of the document, face up, into the ADF until a beep is heard.

  2. Adjust the document guide to the width of the document.

  3. Press <Function>.

  4. Press <Send Options>.

  5. Press [<] or [>] to select [DELAYED TX].

  6. Press <Start/Copy>.

  7. Enter the desired sending time (24-hour clock) using the numeric buttons.
    1. Set the time using the 24-hour clock system. Precede single digits with a zero.
    2. Press <Clear. if you need to re-enter the time.
    3. You can also use [<] or [>] to move the cursor.

  8. Press <Start/Copy>.

  9. Enter the receiving party's fax number.
    1. You can enter the receiving party's fax number using the numeric buttons, one-touch speed dialing, coded speed dialing or directory dialing.
    2. If you use the numeric buttons, press <Start/Copy> after entering the number to register it.

  10. Press <Start/Copy>.
    1. Press <Start/Copy> twice when using directory dialing.
    2. The fax scans the document into memory.

  11. The fax will automatically dial at the programmed time.