Set TX (Transmit) Start Speed to a slower setting (B45)
Article ID: ART152300 | Date published: 05/22/2015 | Date last updated: 12/29/2015


Set the speed at which the fax starts transmitting (TX). Set this to a lower speed if you have difficulties connecting over long distance or noisy lines.


Change TX Start Speed Setting

The message [START AGAIN] will appear if phone line conditions are less than perfect. Decrease the transmission (TX or send) speed if this message appears frequently on the LCD.

  1. Press <Function>.

  2. Press <Start/Copy>.

  3. Press < (left) > (right) arrow repeatedly until [SYSTEM SETTINGS] appears.

  4. Press <Start/Copy>.

  5. Press < or > arrow repeatedly until [TX START SPEED] appears.

  6. Press <Start/Copy>. The factory default TX (send) Speed is 14400 bps.

    You can select from the following TX Speeds:
    * 9600 bps
    * 7200 bps
    * 4800 bps

  7. Press the right arrow to display the desired TX Speed.

  8. Press <Start/Copy>.

  9. Press <Stop> to return to standby mode.