Printing multiple images on one sheet from ZoomBrowser (CP760)

Article ID: ART152441 | Date published: 05/22/2015 | Date last updated: 12/28/2015


Printing multiple images on one sheet from ZoomBrowser (CP760)


Printing multiple images on one sheet from ZoomBrowser (CP760)

To print multiple images on one sheet using ZoomBrowser, you will need to use the Index Print option.

  1. From ZoomBrowser, click the option for "Print & Email".

  2. Next, click the "Index Print".

  3. If you have already selected images to print, you will be taken to the "Printer and Layout Settings" section.

    If you need to go back and select different images, just click "Select Images".
  4. Choose the desired printer and layout settings. Set the number of columns and rows to match the desired images per page

  5. Once you have set the desired settings, click "Print" to print the images.



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