Cannot open camera window in Windows XP (Error code 2)
Article ID: ART152974 | Date published: 05/22/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


1. Insert Canon CD

2. Go  My Computer and Explore the  Canon cd

3.  Double click on the " software " folder

4. Double Click on the " CAL " folder

5. Double click on the " common " folder

6. Double click on the " " folder

7.  Copy these three files : CALMAIN.exe, CALWLESS.exe and Canonptplpforl.dll  to the " CAL " folder located : C:\program files\canon\CAL

7.2  or you can highlight those three previously mentioned files, right click the highlighted files, then left click extract to C:\program files\Canon\CAL ,then select extract

8. Then double click the C:\program files\canon\CAL\CALMAIN.exe