Restrictions on sharing the printer on a Windows network
Article ID: ART153809 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Restrictions on sharing the printer on a Windows network


Printer Sharing Limitations / Restrictions

There are some restrictions on sharing the printer in a network environment.
If your computers don't seem to share the printer properly, confirm the following.

Printer driver / Installation

  • Network printing cannot be performed if the Microsoft printer driver and the Canon printer driver are used together unless the sharing environment from Windows 7 is setup via the Add Port method.

  • Install the Canon printer driver in the print server and the client.

  • In case Windows XP or Windows 2000 is used as the print server and the client, you can perform point and print install. (*1) In this case, there is no need for each of the clients to install the printer driver.

  • To perform printing through the IPP environment (*2), check first a version of the printer driver installed in the print server, and install the same version of the printer driver in the client as a local printer.


  • In case that the printer is shared in the network, a message may appear to inform that printing is complete.
    In order not to display the message on the print server, open 'Server Properties' from the 'File' menu of the 'Printers and Faxes' window (Windows XP) or the 'Printers' windows (Windows 2000), set 'Notify when remote documents are printed' off on the 'Advanced' tab, then restart your computer.

  • If an error occurs when you print from the client, an error message will be displayed on the client and the print server.
    A status message will be displayed on the client only.

  • In the IPP environment (*2), the status monitor cannot be launched on the client.


  • In case the client is Windows XP or Windows 2000, as you perform point and print install (*1), two-way communication function on the client will be disabled.
    If you keep this status and configure the settings for properties of the printer driver on the client, two-way communication function on the print server will also be disabled.
    Install the printer driver into the client.
    Through the security settings on the shared printer, you can restrict the client's access to the printer so that wrong operation will be avoided.

*1: Point and print install
When you specify the printer to be shared with Windows XP or Windows 2000, you can use the 'Additional Drivers' function to register the printer driver for the client.

*2: IPP environment
An environment for printing via the Internet