Opening the Printing Preferences Dialog Box from a Windows Application
Article ID: ART154088 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Opening the Printing Preferences Dialog Box from a Windows Application


Opening the Printing Preferences or Printer Properties Dialog Box from a Windows Application

  1. Select the command to print.
    In most cases, click [Print} from the [File] menu. The [Print] dialog box appears.

  2. From the [Select Printer] list box or the [Name] pull-down list in the [Print] dialog box, select the printer to be used.

  3. Click [Preferences] or [Properties].
    The [Printing Preferences] or [Canon MF5550 Printer Properties] ([Canon MF5530 Printer Properties]) dialog box appears.

    Depending on the application you are using, select the printer to be used in the [General] tab sheet in the [Print] dialog box, then specify the print settings in the corresponding tab sheet. (Only for Windows 2000.)