Opening the Printer Properties Dialog Box from the [Printers and Faxes] Folder
Article ID: ART154089 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Opening the Printer Properties Dialog Box from the [Printers and Faxes] Folder


Opening the Printer Properties Dialog Box from the [Printers and Faxes] (Windows 98/Me/2000: [Printers])

  1. Open the [Printers and Faxes] (Windows 98/Me/2000: [Printers]) folder.
    On Windows XP:
    Click [Start] on the Windows task bar, select [Control Panel], [Printers and Other Hardware}, and then [Printers and Faxes].

    On Windows 98/Me/2000:
    Click [Start] on the Windows task bar, select [Settings], then [Printers].

  2. Click the corresponding printer driver icon.

  3. From the [File] menu, click [Properties].
    You can also open the printer properties dialog box by right-clicking the corresponding printer driver icon and selecting [Properties] from the pop-up menu. The [Canon MF5550 Printer Properties] ([Canon MF5530 Printer Properties]) dialog box appears.