Transferring video recordings to and from a computer Elura 40MC and Elura 50
Article ID: ART154502 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Transferring video recordings to and from a computer Elura 40MC and Elura 50


Transferring Video Recordings to a Computer - Elura 40MC and Elura 50

By using a DV cable and connecting the camcorder to a PC equipped with a DV terminal conforming to IEEE 1394/DV compatible capture board, you can transfer video images taken with the camcorder to and from your PC.

  1. Turn off the power of the camcorder and the PC before connecting.

  2. Connect the camcorder to the computer's DV terminal using a DV cable.

  3. Turn on the camcorder and the PC.

  4. If necessary, refer to the instruction manual of the computer for further instruction.

  • Operation may not work correctly depending on the software and the specifications/settings of your computer.
  • If the computer freezes while you have connected the camcorder, disconnect and reconnect the DV cable. If the problem persists, disconnect the interface cable, turn off camcorder and computer, turn camcorder and computer back on and reconnect them.
  • Before connecting the camcorder to the computer using a DV cable, make sure that camcorder and computer are not connected with a USB cable, and that no other firewire (IEEE-1394) device is connected to the computer.
  • We recommend powering the camcorder from a household power source while it is connected to the computer.
  • Refer also to the instruction manual of the computer.