Rewind the tape on the camcorder Optura 600
Article ID: ART154884 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Rewind the tape on the camcorder Optura 600


Rewinding the tape on the camcorder Optura 600

Special Playback Modes

  If the playback picture is distorted, clean the video heads using a Canon Head Cleaning Cassette or a commercially available digital video head-cleaning cassette
  1. Press the small button and set the POWER switch to PLAY (VCR).

  2. Set the TAPE/CARD switch to .

  3. Press the button to rewind the tape.

  4. Press the   button to begin playback.

  5. Press the   button to stop playback.

  • To use the viewfinder, close the LCD panel.
  • About the screen display: During playback, the time code gives the hours, minutes, seconds and frames. The remaining tape time may not appear when the time left is less than 15 seconds.
  • You can display the audio level indicator by pressing the <AUDIO LEVEL> button during playback.

Special Playback Modes

  (Playback Pause)
To pause playback, press the   button during normal playback.

  (Fast Forward Playback) /   (Rewind Playback)
Plays back the tape at 9.5 times normal speed (forward or reverse). Press and hold the button during normal playback for fast forward.

  (Reverse Playback)
Press the button on the wireless controller during normal playback. Press the   (play) button to return to normal playback.

  (Frame Advance) /   (Frame Reverse)
Plays back frame-by-frame. Press the button on the wireless controller repeatedly during playback pause. Press and hold it to play back continuous frame advance/frame reverse.

  (Slow Forward)/(Slow Reverse)
Plays back at about 1/3 normal speed. Press the button on the wireless controller during normal or reverse playback. Press the   (play) button to return to normal playback.

x2 (Forward x2 Playback)/(Reverse x2 Playback)
Plays back at 2 times normal speed. Press the button on the wireless controller during normal or reverse playback. Press the   (play) button to return to normal playback.

  • There is no sound during special playback.
  • The picture may become distorted during some special playback modes.
  • The camcorder stops the tape automatically after 4 minutes 30 seconds in playback pause mode to protect tape and video heads.