Setting up the iP5200R for use on a wireless LAN - Mac
Article ID: ART155040 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Setting up the iP5200R for use on a wireless LAN - Mac


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How to install the printer driver and connecting the printer with a wireless LAN (Mac OS X)

To enable printing, it is necessary to install the printer driver in the computer. Here, the procedures from installing the printer driver to setting wireless LAN are explained.

Note: - When Mac OS X is shared by multiple users (accounts), first login as the administrator. - Close any open software applications including anti virus software.

Note: Screen shots for Mac OS X Ver. 10.4.x are used in the following procedures.

1. Connect the printer to the computer with a USB cable. Confirm that the printer is powered on.

2. Turn on the computer to start Mac OS X.

3. Insert the setup CD-ROM into the CD-ROM tray. If the folder in the CD-ROM does not open automatically, double-click the 'CANON IJ' icon on the desktop.

4. Double-click 'Setup'.

5. When the following window is displayed, enter the administrator name and the password, then click 'OK'.

Note: When you do not know the administrator name and the password, click the 'A' icon.

6. Select your place of residence and click 'Next'.

Note: This window will not be displayed in some areas.

7. The printer driver can be installed using Easy Install or Custom Install. Click either of these methods. The following procedures are explained with Easy Install. - Easy Install enables the automatic installation of the printer driver, application software, and on-screen manual. - To install the printer driver, application software, and on-screen manual, select Custom Install.

8. Click 'Install'.

*Display may vary depending on the printer.

9. Read the License Agreement carefully and if you agree, click 'Yes'.

10. The installation will start. When the 'Print Head Alignment Recommended' window is displayed, click 'Next'.

11. When the 'Installation completed successfully' window is displayed, click 'Restart'.

Note: When failing to install halfway, install the printer driver again.

12. When the computer restarts, Canon IJ Network Tool will be launched. Select Setup in the pop-up menu, select iP5200R in Printers, then click 'OK'.

Note: - When Canon IJ Network Tool does not start automatically, select Library - Printers - Canon - IJPrinter - Utilities - Canon IJ Network Tool. - If 'The printer could not be detected' message is displayed, confirm that your printer is connected with a USB cable and turned on, then click Update. - If the printer's network settings are already configured, the Setup Environment Confirmation dialog box will appear asking you for confirmation to use the printer with the current settings. To reconfigure the network settings, click Reconfigure.

13. Select Wireless LAN, then click 'OK'.

Note: - If the wireless LAN settings are already configured, the Note on Network Settings dialog box will be displayed. Generally, click Wireless LAN Only to enable only wireless LAN. - If the printer's network settings have been set before, the Printer Network Setup dialog box will be displayed.

14. The printer will be detected automatically.

Note: If the printer is not detected, the Printer IP Address Setup dialog will be displayed. click 'Connect' to retry detection.

15. When the Setup Completion window is displayed, remove the USB cable which connects the printer to the computer, turn off the printer, then click 'Next'.

16. Place the printer in the location where you will use it, then turn it on.

17. In the Connection Performance Measurement window, click 'Next'.

Note: Measuring of the communication status will start, and the results will be displayed.

18. Confirm the measurement results, then click 'Finish'.

Note: - Ensure that a check mark is displayed in 'Connection performance between the printer and the access point.' - If any symbol other than the check mark is displayed, refer to the displayed comments and Help for improving the status of communication link. - To check whether the new location is better, click Remeasurement. Measurement of the communication status will be performed again. - When any message on 'Overall network performance' appears in the measurement results, rearrange the printer and other network devices following the instructions on the screen.

19. Printer Queue will be launched. Click 'Add'.

Note: When using Mac OS X Ver. 10.2.x, Print Center will be launched.

20. Click 'More Printers'.

21. Select CANON IJ Network in the pop-up menu, select iP5200R, then click 'Add'.

Note: The alphanumeric characters after iP5200R represents the MAC address of the printer.

22. Confirm that the printer name is added in Printer List.

23. Perform Print Head Alignment. The settings are completed.