Recording from Analog Video Devices (VCR, TV or Camcorder) to an Optura 60
Article ID: ART156446 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Recording from Analog Video Devices (VCR, TV or Camcorder) to an Optura 60


Recording from Analog Video Devices (VCR, TV or Camcorder) Optura 60

You can input video from other analog devices (VCR, TV or camcorder) via the S-video terminal or AV terminal, and record the input video on the tape in the camcorder. You can also record the input video as a movie or still image on a memory card.


Recording the Input Video on a Tape

Recording the Input Video on a Memory Card

Recording the Input Video on a Tape

  1. Connect the camcorder to the analog video device.

    Using the AV terminal:

    Using the S-Video terminal:

  2. Set the camcorder to PLAY (VCR) mode and load a blank cassette.

  3. Connected device: Load the recorded cassette.

  4. Press the <REC PAUSE> button.
    - In record pause mode and during recording, you can check the picture on the screen.

  5. Connected device: Play back the tape.

  6. Press the   button when the scene you wish to record appears.
    - Recording starts.

  7. Press the   button to stop recording.
    - Press the   button to pause recording.
    - Press the   button again to restart recording.

  8. Connected device: Stop playback.
  • Headphones cannot be used during analog line-in recording.
  • Depending on the signal sent from the connected device, dubbing may not work properly (e.g. signals that include copyright protective signals or anomalous signals such as ghost signals).
  We recommend powering the camcorder from a household power source.

Recording the Input Video on a Memory Card

The size of the still image recorded on the memory card will be 640 x 480. The still image quality and the movie size can be selected.

  1. Set the camcorder to PLAY (VCR) mode.
    - If a cassette is loaded, make sure that the tape is stopped.

  2. Press the <MENU> button and select [VCR SETUP]. Select [AVDV/] , set it to [ON] and press the <MENU> button.

  3. Selecting the still image quality:
    Press the <FUNC.> button. Select the still image quality symbol followed by a setting option and press the <FUNC.> button.
    Selecting the movie size:
    Press the <FUNC.> button. Select the movie size symbol followed by a setting option and press the FUNC. menu.

  4. Connected device: Load a recorded cassette and play back the tape.   
  1. When recording a still image:

    When recording a movie:

    5. Press the <PHOTO> button halfway when the scene you wish to record appears.
    The still image, remaining image capacity and other information appear.
    - When you press the <PHOTO> button on the wireless controller, recording starts immediately.

    6. Press the <PHOTO> button fully.
    - The card access indicator flashes.

    5. Press the start/stop button when  the scene you wish to record appears.
    - Pressing the start/stop button again stops recording.