Transferring video recordings to and from a computer Elura 80, Elura 85, and Elura 90
Article ID: ART157075 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Transferring video recordings to and from a computer Elura 80, Elura 85, and Elura 90


Transferring Video Recordings to and from a Computer

You can transfer recordings to and from a computer using the IEEE1394 (DV) terminal.You can also use this camcorder to transfer through it recordings from an analog VCR or 8 mm camcorder to your computer using the AV terminal (analog / digital converter feature). Transfer of video via USB is not possible.

Before starting the video transferring, make sure to prepare the following:

  • A computer equipped with a IEEE1394 (DV) terminal or a IEEE1394 (DV) capturing board (the IEEE1394 protocol is frequently also called "Firewire" or "iLink").
  • A DV cable (sold separately)
  • Video Editing Software

You can use (1) the video editing software that came bundled with your computer or video capturing board, (2) the video editing software included with your operating system ("Windows Movie Maker" with Windows 7, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows XP and Windows ME, "iMovie" with Mac OS 9 and later), or (3) video editing software purchased separately, with features ranging from very basic to very sophisticated.

  • The appropriate driver

A driver is included with Windows operating systems later than Windows 98 Second Edition and Mac operating systems later than Mac OS 9. The driver is installed automatically when you connect the camcorder to the computer. No additional driver is necessary or available.

  1. Start your computer.
    (If this is the first time you are connecting the camcorder to your Windows based computer your computer will display the "New Hardware Found" message while the driver is installed automatically.)
  2. Set the camcorder to mode.
  3. In the camcorder's settings menu, check the [AV> DV] setting.
    - If you want to transfer your recordings from the tape, edit the video on the computer and record it back on the tape, set [AV>DV] to [OFF]. If you want to convert an analog recording to digital, set [AV>DV] to [ON].
  4. Connect the camcorder to the computer with the DV cable as shown below. Once the camcorder and computer are connected together the camcorder will display "DV IN" on the LCD/viewfinder. This message confirms that the camcorder is ready to receive or transfer video.
  5. Refer to the instructions for your video editing software to download and/or upload your video with the camcorder.
    Note: Because procedures for digital editing software applications vary greatly, Canon cannot offer any additional support or suggestions regarding downloading and editing your video. Please refer to the software publisher or your computer manufacturer (if the software came with your computer) for assistance in using the software.

  • Operation may not work correctly depending on the software and the specifications/settings of your computer.
  • If the computer freezes while you have connected the camcorder, disconnect and reconnect the DV cable. If the problem persists, disconnect the interface cable, turn off camcorder and computer, turn camcorder and computer back on and reconnect them.
  • Before connecting the camcorder to the computer using a DV cable, make sure that camcorder and computer are not connected with a USB cable, and that no other 1394 device is connected to the computer.
  • We recommend powering the camcorder from a household power source while it is connected to the computer.
  • Refer also to the instruction manual of the computer.
  • The programs ZoomBrowser EX and Image Browser included with the supplied CD-ROM are intended for use only with images recorded on the memory card.
  • Video recordings on the tape cannot be transferred to the computer using the software included with the supplied CD-ROM.