Shoot at their level

Article ID: ART157528 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 01/25/2016


Shoot at their level


Shoot on their level

In their innocence, children exhibit beautiful, deep, uninhibited expressions, and free and easy movements.

Just by being there, children have the potential to be very intriguing subjects. Children are often the reason for taking up photography in the first place. Here, you will learn the secrets of photographing these natural models, children.

Many adults take pictures of children from the eye level of an adult, looking down on the kids. If you get down to the child's level, you will see things from a new perspective. From their angle, you cannot see what's sitting on the table, and adults look like giants. Animals and plants look like monsters and, of course, children's expressions when viewed from their own level are quite different.





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