Provide basic low light shooting information.
Article ID: ART157571 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 11/16/2015


Provide basic low light shooting information.


What follows are several tips to consider when shooting in low light situations:

  • Use something to stabilize the camera.

    Shooting in low light typically will require you to shoot at a shower shutter speed. To prevent motion blur you may want to use something that will stabilize the camera. The most obvious piece of equipment that comes to mind would be a tripod, but many things will serve just as well: a tabletop, a rock, a well placed fencepost.
  • Use a lens with a large maximum aperture.

    The larger the maximum aperture, the faster the shutter speed you are able to use. You image can become blurred if the shutter speed is to slow. For example, if your camera says that the proper exposure would be f/5.6 @ 1/30 of a second, then you would be able to increase your shutter speed to 1/125 of a second @ f/2.8. The rule of thumb to follow is: take the reciprocal of the focal length being used. For example, if you are using a 100mm lens the reciprocal would be 1/100. If you are measuring in whole stops, then 1/125 would be the closest whole stop.
  • Increase the ISO.

    Increasing the ISO of your camera will make it more sensitive to light. If a proper exposure would be f/4 @ 1/15 of a second when shooting at ISO 100, increasing the ISO to 800 would yield an exposure of f/4 @ 1/125 of a second. Keep in mind the rule of thumb to prevent motion blur.

    *For camera models that do not offer interchangeable lenses or significant exposure/ISO adjustments a stable support is the most useful way to reduce blur.