Confirm the printer is displaying properly in Device Manager (Windows 98/Me)
Article ID: ART157978 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Confirm the printer is displaying properly in Device Manager (Windows 98/Me)


Confirm the printer is displaying properly in Device  Manager (Windows 98/Me)

  1. Click the System icon in the Control Panel dialog box.

  2. Click the Device Manager tab in the System Properties dialog box.

  3. When the device is recognized normally, the display is as follows.

    Note:  The display above is an example using the USB cable connection.

  4. When Unknown Device/Other Devices with an exclamation mark (!) or a question mark (?) is displayed, the device is not recognized normally.

    Note:  When the device is not recognized normally, the problems can usually be resolved by the following procedures:
    1. Turn off the printer's power, and remove the cable.
    2. Turn off the computer's power, and turn on again.
    3. Reinstall the printer driver.

    Note:  Install using the Installer of the printer driver instead of Add Printer.

  5. If the problems persist after performing the above procedures, remove Unknown Device or the device name with an exclamation mark (!) and/or a question mark (?) under Other Devices.  Left-click the device name, and click Remove.

  6. The following message is displayed. After confirming the message, click OK.

  7. Turn off the printer's power, remove the cable, and reinstall the printer driver.

    Note:  Install using the Installer of the printer driver instead of Add Printer. 

    Note:  When installation cannot be performed after following the above procedures, try the following measures:

    • If the computer has multiple USB ports, try using another USB port (either in the front or back of the computer).
    • If another USB cable is available, try using it.
    • Boot to Safe Mode and remove any instances of the printer or Unknown Devices from the Device Manager.