Scanning bulky items - Advanced Z-Lid Expansion
Article ID: ART158104 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Scanning bulky items - Advanced Z-Lid Expansion


Advanced Z-Lid Expansion

Canon's Advanced Z-Lid Expansion Top is a major advancement in scanning convenience and usability. This unique, built-in solution for flatbed scanners is the latest in a long tradition of Canon advancements. It will change the way consumers scan many large or bulky items.

Most scanner covers feature standard hinges that lift only at an angle. When scanning anything that isn't completely flat, the cover often becomes uneven and awkward. To address this problem, some scanners feature stationary posts instead of hinges. While the posts enable you to manually adjust height, the process is often clumsy and can result in the posts completely detaching from their postholes.

In contrast, Canon scanners designed with the Advanced Z-Lid Expansion Top adjust for bulky items automatically. The scanner's cover features a spring-loaded, z-shaped hinge that lifts the cover up. When the cover closes on top of a bulky item, such as a magazine or book, the hinge automatically adjusts to create the space needed (up to one inch high) to keep the item flat. The result is more evenly lit scans and thus better images.

Clearly, the Advanced Z-Lid Expansion Top takes scanning to the next level. It's a long overdue feature that speaks to the everyday challenge of scanning various bulky items. Not only does it make scanning easier and more convenient, but it also improves scanning accuracy and focus by keeping the item flatter on the scanning surface. The spring-loaded mechanism helps keep the item in place and enhances operational stability.