If error 'Insufficient Memory' appears attempting to open MP Navigator / MP Navigator EX, select 'Run as administrator' to launch the application
Article ID: ART160038 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Right-click the application's executable file and select 'Run as administrator' to launch the program.


Run As Administrator

If error 'Insufficient Memory' appears attempting to open MP Navigator / MP Navigator EX, select 'Run as administrator' to launch the application.

If the TWAIN driver (or ScanGear) is installed and the data source does not appear in the application's TWAIN Source and you've confirmed that the imaging application supports Windows Vista, select 'Run as administrator' to launch the application.

  1. From the application's shortcut or boot program, right-click on the icon and select 'Run as administrator'. The application will open.

  2. Attempt to scan or perform any other operation using this application (ex. MP Navigator / MP Navigator EX).

  3. After confirming the application will successfully scan using the TWAIN driver, set this application to always open with administrative privileges.
    1. Close the application.
    2. Right-click on the application's shortcut icon and select 'Properties'. The shortcut should appear on the Windows desktop.
    3. On the Shortcut tab of the application's Properties window, select 'Advanced'.

    4. On the Advanced Properties window, select 'Run as administrator' and then click 'OK'.

    5. At the Shortcut tab, click 'Apply'. The Properties window will close.

    6. To confirm the procedure was completed correctly, right-click on the shortcut icon and verify Run as administrator is bold.