How to use the bulb setting on the EOS 20D, EOS 30D, and EOS 40D.
Article ID: ART160530 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


How to use the bulb setting on the EOS 20D, EOS 30D, and EOS 40D.


When bulb is set, the shutter stays open while you hold down the shutter button fully, and closes when you let go of the shutter button. This is called bulb exposure. Use bulb exposures for night scenes, fireworks, the heavens, and other subjects requiring long exposures.

- 1. Set the Mode Dial <M>.
2. Set the shutter speed to "".
  • Look at the LCD panel and turn the <> dial to select "".
  • The next setting after "" is "".

3. Set the desired aperture value.
  • Set the <> switch to <>, and while looking at the LCD panel, turn the <> dial.
4. Shoot.
  • Press the shutter button completely.
  • The elapsed exposure time will be displayed on the LCD panel. (Displays 1 sec. to 999 sec.)
  • The exposure continues as long as you hold down the shutter button.
Since bulb exposures may have more noise than usual, the image may look rough or grainy.
  • Bulb exposures may result in grainy images due to picture noise. You can reduce noise by setting C.Fn-02 [Long exposure noise reduction] to [1:On].
  • For bulb exposures, using Remote Switch RS-80N3 or Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3 ( optional) is recommended.