How to use the built-in flash in the creative zone modes of the EOS 20D and EOS 30D.
Article ID: ART160570 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 09/29/2015


How to use the built-in flash in the creative zone modes of the EOS 20D and EOS 30D.


When using a Creative Zone mode, press the <> button to pop up the built-in flash.


For fully automatic flash photography. The shutter speed (1/60 sec. - 1/250 sec.) and aperture value are set automatically, just as in <> (Full Auto) mode.


For when you want to set the shutter speed (30 sec. - 1/250 sec.). The camera then automatically sets the flash aperture value to provide the proper exposure for your shutter speed.

Av For when you want to set the aperture value. The camera then automatically sets the shutter speed (30 sec. - 1/250 sec.) to provide the proper exposure for your aperture. Against dark backgrounds such as the night sky, slow-sync shooting will be set so that the subject and background are exposed correctly. The main subject is exposed with the flash, and the background is exposured with a slow shutter speed.
  • Because automatic slow-sync shooting uses a slow shutter speed, always use a tripod.
  • If you do not want a slow shutter speed to be set, set C.Fn-03 [Flash sync speed in Av mode] to [1: 1/250sec. (fixed)].

You can set the shutter speed (bulb or 30 sec. - 1/250 sec.) and aperture value. The main subject is exposed properly by the flash. The background exposure varies depending on the shutter speed and aperture.

A-DEP The effect is the same as using the flash in <P> mode.