Explanation of the power saving function PowerShot S60 and S70
Article ID: ART160757 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Explanation of the power saving function PowerShot S60 and S70


Setting the Power Saving Function

This camera is equipped with a power saving function. Depending on the power saving setting, the camera may power down or the LCD monitor (or viewfinder) may go off automatically.

Auto Power Down [On]

  • Shooting mode:
    Powers down approximately 3 minutes after the last time a camera control is accessed. The LCD monitor (or viewfinder) automatically shuts off approximately 1 minute* after the last time a camera control is accessed even if [Auto Power Down] is set to [Off]. Press any button except the OFF button to turn the LCD monitor (or viewfinder) back on.
    *This time can be changed.
  • Playback mode:
    Powers down approximately 5 minutes after the last time a control is accessed on the camera.
  • Printer Connection mode:
    Powers down approximately 5 minutes after the last time a control is accessed on the camera or something is printed on the printer.

Auto Power Down [Off]

  • The power saving function does not activate.

Display Off (Shooting Mode Only)

  • The LCD monitor (or viewfinder) shuts off after a specified period of time elapses and no camera control is accessed. The following time settings can be selected: 10 sec./20 sec./30 sec./1 min.(default) /2 min./3 min.

When the Auto Power Down Function Activates:Turn the power on again.

Playback/Printer Connection mode:Turn the mode lever to the right again to power the camera.

When the Display Off Function Activates: The LCD monitor (or viewfinder) display turns back on if any button other than the shutter button is pressed.

  • Please note that the camera continues to consume a minimal amount of power even when the power saving function shuts it down.
  • The power saving function is disabled while a slide show plays on the camera or during a computer connection.
  • See below for steps to enable or disable the power saving functions.
  1. Select [Power Saving] in the [ (Set up)] menu and press the <SET> button.

  2. Select (Auto Power Down) using the or arrow and select [On] or [Off] using the or arrow.

  3. Select (Display Off) using the or arrow and select a time using the or arrow.

  4. Press the <MENU> button.