Reset the camera / printer connection, press the RESUME button (or OK button ) on the printer.
Article ID: ART160959 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Reset the camera / printer connection, press the RESUME button on the printer.


Error No.:2001 is displayed on the computer

  • A specified period of time has elapsed without receiving a response from the digital camera. Disconnect the camera cable, press the <RESUME/CANCEL> ( on some models use <OK> button) button on the printer and reconnect the cable.
  • If the error is still unresolved, there is a possibility that you are using a digital camera or digital video camcorder that is not supported by this printer. Use a digital camera or digital video camcorder compatible with this printer.

Click the following link for more information regarding  compatible digital cameras and printers.