Setting Focus Bracketing PowerShot G6
Article ID: ART161049 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Setting Focus Bracketing PowerShot G6


Focus Bracketing (Focus-BKT Mode)

You can shoot three images while the focus changes automatically when shooting with the manual focus.

Three ranges -small, medium or large- can be selected. Images are shot with the focus position changing in the following order: current position, backwards and forward.

  1. Press the <DISPLAY> button to turn the LCD monitor on. You can also activate Focus-BKT mode without using the monitor, but you cannot adjust the bracketing range.

  2. Press the <FUNC.> button and select  * (LCD monitor) or * (Display Panel) using the or arrow on the omni selector. The Bracket setting menu appears on the LCD monitor.

    * The current setting is displayed.

  3. Select (LCD monitor) or   (Display Panel) using the main dial or the or   arrow on the omni selector, then press the <SET> button.

    The range cannot be adjusted when the LCD monitor is off, even if you press the <SET> button. Focus Bracketing operations are carried out with the currently selected range. Press the <FUNC.> button to end the operation.

  4. Expand or contract the range using the main dial or the or arrow on the omni selector.

    • Use to expand the range and to contract it.
    • The camera returns to the Step 3 screen if you press the <SET> button.
    • You can shoot the image right after selecting settings by pressing the shutter button. The menu displays again after the shot, allowing you to change the settings easily.

  5. Press the <FUNC.> button or click the main dial, and shoot the image with the manual focus.

  6. Shoot the image in manual focus.

The Focus-BKT mode is not available when shooting with the flash on. The camera will revert to shooting only one image when the flash is on.