Printed colors are inaccurate (iPF830/iPF840/iPF850)
Article ID: ART162637 | Date published: 10/01/2015 | Date last updated: 12/02/2015


Printed colors are inaccurate (iPF830/iPF840/iPF850)


CauseCorrective Action
The Printhead nozzles are clogged.Print a test pattern to check the nozzles and see if they are clogged.
(See " Checking for Nozzle Clogging (iPF830/iPF840/iPF850) ")
Color adjustment has not been activated in the [Advanced Settings] of the printer driver.In the [Advanced Settings] of the printer driver, access [Color Settings] in [Color Mode] to adjust colors.
Colors have not been adjusted on the computer or monitor.Refer to the computer and monitor documentation to adjust the colors.
Adjust the settings of the color management software, referring to the software documentation as needed.
[Application Color Matching Priority] is set to [Off] in the Windows printer driver.Click [Special Setting]s in the [Layout] sheet of the printer driver, and set [Application Color Matching Priority] to [On] in the dialog box that is displayed.
Color may change slightly even on the same model of printer if you use a different version of the printer driver or when you print under different settings or in a different printing environment.Follow these steps to prepare the printing environment.
1. Use the same version of firmware or printer driver.
2. Specify the same value for all settings items.