Connecting to iOS/Android Devices via Wi-Fi and Saving Movies and Photos (Camera Connect)
Article ID: ART167310 | Date published: 02/03/2017 | Date last updated: 02/03/2017


Connecting to iOS/Android Devices via Wi-Fi and Saving Movies and Photos (Camera Connect)


Getting Started

Using the Camera Connect app*1, you can save your movies and photos on an iOS or Android device. Before saving recordings, you can also check the movies*2 and photos (preview).
*1 The Camera Connect app is available from Canon as a free download from the Apple's App Store (iOS devices) and Google Play™ (Android devices).
*2 Depending on the video quality used, you may not be able to use the iOS/Android device to check movies (preview) before saving them.
Using an unprotected Wi-Fi network can expose your files and data to monitoring by unauthorized third parties. Be aware of the risks involved.
  • We recommend using a fully charged battery pack or the supplied compact power adapter when using Wi-Fi functions.
  • When using the camcorder’s Wi-Fi functions, do not cover the top back area of the camcorder () with your hand or other object. The Wi-Fi antenna is located there and covering it may interfere with wireless signals.
: Wi-Fi antenna
  • Do not open the memory card slot cover during the wireless connection.
  • While using Wi-Fi functions, -> -> -> [Auto power off] function will be disabled.
  • When using an NFC-compatible*1 Android device*2, you can easily pair the camcorder and the device simply by touching the NFC touchpoints on both devices together.
 *1 NFC: Near Field Communication
 *2 Only NFC-compatible devices running Android.
  • For NFC-compatible devices, set -> -> -> [NFC] to [On].
  • Depending on factors such as the wireless network conditions, you may not be able to check movies (preview) or it may take some time to check or save them.
  • The procedure above may differ depending on the version of the device’s OS you are using.
  • The following types of scenes will be recognized as multiple files on other devices.
 - Scenes exceeding 4 GB.
 - Scenes recorded at 35 Mbps exceeding 30 minutes.
 - Scenes recorded at a video quality other than 35 Mbps exceeding 1 hour.

Step 1: Install Camera Connect on Your iOS/Android Device•If you have Camera Connect installed on your smartphone, proceed to Step 2: Connect the Camcorder and Your iOS/Android Device via Wi-Fi.

  • In the text, the operation instructions that begin with this illustration: - are for smartphones. The operation instructions that begin with this illustration: - are for camcorders.
  • The example procedure below is shown in iOS 8.4/Android 4.1. Operations may differ depending on the device you use. For more information, please refer to the smartphones’s instruction manual.
  • Android devices compatible with NFC: When the app is not installed, you can touch the Android device to the camcorder in recording mode to automatically open the Google Play download page.

1. Tap the [App Store] icon for iOS devices, or [Play Store] icon for Android devices.

  • You can download Camera Connect for free. However, you will be charged communication fees when connecting to App Store and Google Play™.
  • You need an Apple or Google account to download Camera Connect.
  • When you use a cell phone line, downloading may take longer than when you use a Wi-Fi connection.

2. Touch the search icon.

3. Enter "Camera Connect" as the keyword in the search field () and then tap the search icon ().

4. Select [Camera Connect] in the search results and install it.
Touch the home button to make the home screen reappear when the installation of Camera Connect is complete.

Step 2: Connect the Camcorder and Your iOS/Android Device via Wi-Fi

1. Touch [Settings] on your iOS/Android device.

2. Make sure your iOS/Android device is not in airplane mode.

3. Turn on the [Wi-Fi] switch.

  • The network names of detected access points will appear.

4. Turn on the camcorder.

5. Press [ ] to set the camcorder to Playback mode.

6. Touch [ ].

7. Drag your finger left/right () to bring the [Wi-Fi] menu to the center, and then touch the icon to open it ().

8. Drag your finger up/down () to bring [Camera Connect] to the center, and then touch [OK] ().

9. The camcorder’s SSID (network name) and password will appear. The camcorder will be ready to connect with the iOS or Android device.

* To connect the cam-corder and NFC-incompatible smartphones via Wi-Fi, proceed to step 11.

  • 10. [Connecting the Camcorder and NFC-compatible Devices via Wi-Fi]

10-1. Make sure that [NFC] on your smartphone is set to [ON].

  • Go to [Settings] -> [More] and tap on the NFC switch to activate it.

10-2. Touch the NFC touchpoint on the NFC-compatible device*1 to the NFC touchpoint on the camcorder.
*1 For illustration purposes only. For details about the device’s NFC function and the location/mark of the NFC touchpoint, refer to the instruction manual of the device used.

  • Align the center of the NFC touchpoints on both devices. If there is no reaction, try changing the position of the smartphone slightly while it is touching the camcorder.

10-3. When the device is recognized, the NFC-compatible device will emit a sound*2 and the Camera Connect app will start automatically.
*2 Depending on the settings and specifications of the device used, no sound may be emitted.
  • If Camera Connect is not installed, a confirmation screen will appear. In this case, please install Camera Connect.

10-4. [Connected] will appear on the camcorder’s screen and the connection will be established.

•Proceed to Step 3: Save Movies and Photos on Your iOS/Android Device .

  • 11. [Connecting the Camcorder and NFC-incompatible iOS/Android Devices via Wi-Fi]

11-1. Touch the SSID (network name) that appeared on the camcorder's screen in step 9.

11-2. Enter the password displayed on the camcorder () and connect ().

11-3. [Connected] will appear on the camcorder’s screen and the connection will be established.

  • As long as you do not reset the camcorder’s Wi-Fi password, you only need to enter the password the first time you connect the device.

Step 3: Save Movies and Photos on Your iOS/Android Device

1. Start [Camera Connect].
  • Touch the [ ] icon on your iOS/Android device.
  • When connected via NFC, Camera Connect app will start automatically.

2. When the screen for choosing the target camera is displayed on your smartphone, choose the [name] of your camcorder's model to pair them.

3. Touch [Images on camera] in Camera Connect.

4. Use the smartphone to import images from the camera to the smartphone.
  • When the camera is connected to the smartphone, a list of the images on the camera will appear in [Camera Connect]. Touch [Select] appearing in the upper right of the screen.

  • For viewing the movies and photos
Touch the movie or the photo you want to display.

5. After the screen refreshes, choose the desired images (), and then touch [ [ ] ] () on the bottom right of the screen. The selected images will be saved to the smartphone.

6. After the images have been saved, touch [ ] appearing in the upper right of the screen, and then touch [ ] in the upper left of the screen to return to the menu screen.

7. Touch [End] on the camcorder when you have finished.

8. Touch [OK] to end the wireless connection and return to the index screen.

*Android™, and Google Play™ are trademarks of Google Inc.