Changing the LCD Monitor Display Level Settings (EOS REBEL T7i/ EOS 800D)
Article ID: ART167471 | Date published: 03/10/2017 | Date last updated: 03/10/2017


Changing the LCD Monitor Display Level Settings (EOS REBEL T7i/ EOS 800D)


You can set how information is displayed on the screen according to your preference. Change the settings as necessary.

Displaying the Menu Items

1. Set the camera's power switch to < ON >.

2. Press the < MENU > button to display the main tabs.

3. Press the < > < > keys of the cross keys to select the [ ] tab, then press < >.

Shooting Screen

You can select [Standard] or [Guided] (friendly display) for the Quick Control screen in viewfinder shooting. By default, it is set to [Guided].

1. Select [Shooting screen].

2. Select the display method.

  • Sample Screens
< >: Guided
< >: Standard
< >: Guided
< >: Standard
In Creative Zone modes, when [Guided] is set, only the functions particular to the set shooting mode are displayed on the Quick Control screen. Note that items that cannot be set from the Quick Control screen when [Guided] is selected can be set via the menu screen.

Menu Display

You can select the display method from [Standard] or [Guided]. If you set [Guided], main tab descriptions are provided when you press the <MENU> button. If you set [Standard], you proceed directly to the menu screen when you press the <MENU> button. By default, it is set to [Guided].

1. Select [Menu display].

2. Select the display method.

: Main tabs
When [Guided] is set, the [ (My Menu)] tab does not appear. To set My Menu, change the menu display level to [Standard].