Receiving Faxes
Article ID: ART167602 | Date published: 04/05/2017 | Date last updated: 04/05/2017


Receiving Faxes


This section describes the methods for receiving faxes and how to set up the machine to receive faxes. You need to complete some procedures for using fax functions before specifying the receiving settings.
  • The machine can print received fax documents on A4 or Letter size paper. If received fax documents are printed on other paper sizes, a portion of the page may not be printed or a page may be printed on two separate sheets of paper.

Methods for Receiving Faxes

The machine provides the following receiving methods. Select the method that best suits your needs and then set it up by following the procedures.
Dedicated to receiving faxes
The machine receives faxes automatically. Even if someone makes a call to you, you cannot talk to the caller.
<Fax/Tel (Auto Switch)>
When the call is a fax
The machine receives the fax automatically.

When the call is a telephone call
An incoming call rings. Pick up the handset to answer the call.

  • You need to connect your telephone to the machine beforehand.
When the call is a fax
An incoming call rings. Pick up the handset. If you hear a beep, select
<Fax> <Start Receiving> to receive faxes.

When the call is a telephone call
An incoming call rings. Pick up the handset and start your conversation.

  • You need to connect your telephone to the machine beforehand.
  • You can set the machine to automatically receive faxes when an incoming call rings within a specified timeframe. For details, see the "User's Guide" from the Canon website (
<Answering Machine>
When the call is a fax
After an incoming call rings, the machine receives the fax automatically.

When the call is a telephone call
The answering machine activates, enabling the caller to leave a message. If you pick up the handset before the answering machine starts recording a message, you can talk with the caller.

  • You need to connect your answering machine to the machine beforehand.
  • Set the answering machine to answer after a few rings.
  • We recommend that you add approximately 4 seconds of silence at the beginning of the message or set the maximum recording time to 20 seconds.
If you have subscribed to a Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection (DRPD) service provided by your telephone company, this receiving mode is available. This service assigns two or more telephone numbers with distinctive ring patterns to a single telephone line. You can use one of these numbers for faxes and one for telephone calls.
When the machine receives a call, it automatically recognizes the ring pattern and your telephone rings differently depending on whether the call is a fax or telephone call. If the ring pattern is for a fax, the machine automatically receives the fax.

  • For more information about this service, contact your telephone company.
  • You need to connect your telephone to the machine beforehand.

  • Depending on the type of telephone connected to it, the machine may not be able to send or receive faxes properly.
  • If you are connecting an external telephone with fax functions, set the telephone to not receive faxes automatically.
  • If you pick up the telephone handset and hear a beep, the call is a fax. You can receive the fax just by using the telephone to enter a specific ID number.

Setting Up the Machine to Receive Faxes

1. Select <Fax> in the Home screen.
  • If the login screen appears, specify the user name, the password, and the authentication server.

2. Select <RX Mode> in the <TX/RX Settings> tab of the Fax Basic Features screen.

3. Select the receiving method.

When selecting <Fax/Tel (Auto Switch)>
Specify the following three settings as necessary. When the setting is complete, select <Apply>.
<Ring Start Time>
Enables you to specify the duration during which the machine determines whether an incoming call is a fax or a telephone call.
<Incoming Ring Time>
Enables you to specify the duration during which an incoming call rings for a telephone call.
<Action After Ring>
Enables you to specify how the machine operates if you do not pick up the handset while an incoming call is ringing. Select <End> to disconnect the call or <Receive> to receive an incoming fax.

When selecting <DRPD>
Select the ring pattern that your telephone company assigned to your fax number.

Using a Telephone to Receive Faxes (Remote Reception)

When you pick up the telephone and get a fax signal, you do not need to go to the machine to receive the fax. Just enter a specific ID number with the telephone, and you can start receiving the fax.
  • When the telephone is not directly connected with the machine, the remote reception function is not available.

1. When an incoming call rings, pick up the telephone handset.

2. If you hear a beep, enter the ID number for Remote Reception with the telephone.
  • For more information about setting the ID number, see the "User's Guide" from the Canon website (

3. Hang up the handset.