Use Digital Photo Professional to convert RAW images to JPEG or TIFF
Article ID: ART168651 | Date published: 10/17/2017 | Date last updated: 02/25/2019


Learn how to convert RAW images to JPEG or TIFF with Digital Photo Professional (version 4.x) 


Converting RAW images to JPEG or TIFF

  1. Open Digital Photo Professional 4. Depending on your operating system, you might have an icon on your desktop, application tray, or in the list of apps.
  2. When Digital Photo Professional starts, it shows a file tree on the left and images on the right. Select the folder containing the RAW image you want to convert .

Digital Photo Professional
  1. Select the RAW image 
  2. Select File -> Convert and save...
  3. Choose the file location, type (JPEG, TIFF, and so on), name, and output settings. These settings offer a compromise between image quality and file size. 
  4. Select Save.