Calculator Models with Auto Power Off
Article ID: ART169529 | Date published: 02/15/2018 | Date last updated: 01/25/2022


This article lists calculator models that have Auto Power Off.


The following calculator models have Auto Power Off.

If a model is not in this list, either it does not have this function.

The standard Auto Power Off time is 7 minutes.  Some models have longer or shorter times before the power shuts off automatically.

Printing Calculators with Auto Power Off   Basic Calculators With Auto Power Off   Scientific Calculators With Auto Power Off
P23-DHV3   LS-123K   F-730SX
P1-DHV3   BS-1200TS (8 minutes)   F-605
MP11DX-2   KS-1200TS (8 minutes)   F-792SGA
MP49DII   WS-1410TG   F-719SG
P1-DHV G   HS-20TG   F-710
P23-DHV   TS-1200TG   F-604 (15 minutes)
P1-DHV-2   HS-1000TG    
P23-DH V   LS-80TCG          
MP27-MG   LS-100TSG          
          LS-154 TG          
          LS-QT (10 minutes)          
          HS-1200TS (8 minutes)          
          LS-82Z (6 minutes)          

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