How to Enable / Disable Paper Width Detection - MG7120

Article ID: ART170327 | Date published: 05/15/2018 | Date last updated: 04/19/2019


This article explains how to enable or disable the paper width detection function of the PIXMA MG7120.



Your PIXMA MG7120 can detect the width of the paper being used when printing.  This can help prevent misprinting if the paper loaded in the printer is different from the paper specified on the printer.  To enable or disable this function, follow the steps below.
  1. From the HOME screen, swipe over to Setup and tap it.

  2. Tap Device settings.

  3. Tap Print settings.

  4. Tap Detect paper width.

  5. Tap ON or OFF, depending on if you want this function enabled or disabled.

    If this function is enabled, the support code 2101 will be displayed if the size of the loaded paper does not match what is specified with the machine.

MG7120 Page


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