External Connections and Commands WUX7000Z / WUX6600Z / WUX5800Z
Article ID: ART170538 | Date published: 05/22/2018 | Date last updated: 06/12/2018


External Connections and Commands  WUX7000Z / WUX6600Z / WUX5800Z


Analog PC-2 / COMPONENT Terminal
This terminal is used as a computer ANALOG PC input or COMPONENT input terminal. Use a D-sub computer cable.
The terminal specifications for the ANALOG PC input and COMPONENT input are the same.

Communication format
Communication mode : RS-232C, asynchronous, half-duplex communication
Communication speed : 19200bps
Character length : 8 bits
Stop bits : Switchable between 1 bit and 2 bits. Factory default, or state after [Factory defaults] is executed, is 1 bit.
Parity : None
Flow control : None