Operating the Camera in Mobile Camera Viewer
Article ID: ART171319 | Date published: 08/09/2018 | Date last updated: 08/09/2018


Operating the Camera in Mobile Camera Viewer


Operating the Camera
Camera control privileges are required to operate the camera.
 You have camera control privileges when [Release] is displayed.
 When [Control] is displayed, tap it to obtain camera control privileges.

Operations in the Video Display Area
●Scroll Bar Controls

(1) Scroll bar for tilt
(2) Scroll bar for pan
(3) Scroll bar for zoom

Digital Zoom
When a digital zoom range is available, the scroll bar for zooming will appear as follows.

(i) Digital zoom range
The higher the zoom ratio, the lower the video quality becomes.
(ii) Position where zooming pauses
(iii) Enhanced digital zoom range

●Screen Tap Operations
When you tap the video display area, the camera will move so that the location that was tapped is centered in the screen.

● You can also operate the camera with the PTZ control panel.
● If the video is not displayed, tap the video display area to try reconnecting to the camera.

●Drag to Move
In the video display area, swipe in the direction you would like to change the camera angle. An arrow will appear and the camera angle will change in the direction of the arrow.

Increasing the length of the arrow will increase the movement speed.

This function is not available while using Viewer PTZ.
Magnify and Display Part of Video (Viewer PTZ)

● Double-tapping the video display area will magnify the video approximately 3x.
● In the video display area, pinch-out/pinchin to zoom in/zoom out video.
● Dragging on the screen when zoomed in, moves the display position.
● Double-tapping while viewing magnified video cancels magnified display.
 will appear in the upper part of the video display area while viewing magnified video.

Main Screen Control Panel

(1) Preset button
Camera settings, such as the camera angle or exposure, are changed to presets registered in advance.
(2) Home Position button 
Camera settings, such as the camera angle or exposure, are returned to the home position registered in advance.
(3) Recording Started/Stopped button
Starts or stops recording.
(4) PTZ Control button
Displays the PTZ Control panel.
(5) Control/Release button
Enables or disables camera control privileges.
(6) Disconnect button
Disconnects from the camera.
(7) Settings button
Allows you to configure preset, video capture size, and maximum frame rate settings.
(8) Control for Admin button 
Allows you to configure focus, exposure, Clear IR Mode, day/night, and external device output settings.
(9) Snapshot button
Captures a snapshot.

Some functions may not be available depending on your user privileges.

(1) Preset button
Camera settings, such as the camera angle or exposure, are changed to presets registered in advance.

(2) Home Position button
Camera settings, such as the camera angle or exposure, are returned to the home position registered in advance.

Register the preset or home position beforehand using [Register Preset]

(3) Recording Started/Stopped button
Tap the button to start recording to the memory card. Tap again to stop recording.

● When there is 20 MB or less available space on a memory card, a message appears and recording stops.
● The recorded video cannot be viewed in Mobile Camera Viewer. To view the video, use the Recorded Video Utility.

(4) PTZ Control button
Displays the PTZ Control panel.

(i) Scroll Bar button
Displays/hides scroll bars in the video display area for controlling pan, tilt, and zoom operations.
(ii) Center Position button
Moves the camera position to the center of the pan and tilt range.
(iii) Pan/Tilt control button
Touch and hold  to pan in that direction. Release your finger to stop.
Touch and hold  to tilt in that direction. Release your finger to stop.
(iv) Zoom control button
Touch and hold  to zoom in (telephoto), and touch and hold to zoom out (wide angle). Release your finger to stop.
(v) Home Position button
Moves to the position set as the Home Position.

The Pan/Tilt and Zoom control buttons cannot be used when the camera’s [Settings Page] > [Security] > [SSL/TLS] > [HTTPS Connection Policy] is set to use [HTTPS] or [HTTP and HTTPS], and an HTTPS connection is established. Use the pan/tilt/zoom scroll bars that appear in the video display area.

(5) Control/Release button
Tap to obtain control. Tap again to release control.

The camera cannot be controlled by multiple users simultaneously. Only the user with control privileges can control the camera. 

(6) Disconnect button
Disconnects from the camera.
The login screen will appear when you disconnect.

(7) Settings button
Allows you to configure preset, incoming video size, and maximum frame rate settings.

●Preset Settings
You can register current camera settings, such as the camera angle or exposure, as presets. Presets can also be deleted.

[Register Preset]
Select a preset number from [Register to], select [Registered Content], enter a preset name, and then tap [Register].

If you select [Home Position] in [Register to], you can set the home position.

[Delete Preset]
Select a preset to delete and then tap [Delete].

●Incoming Video Settings
Select whether to receive digital PTZ cropped video and select the size of the received video.

●Maximum Frame Rate Settings
You can set a maximum frame rate for video received from the camera

(8) Control for Admin button
Allows you to configure focus, exposure, Clear IR Mode, day/night, and external device output settings.

Automatically focuses on the subject.


Tapping the button automatically adjusts the focus once, and then switches to the manual mode.
You can touch and hold the  (Far) and (Near) buttons to adjust the focus position in the far and near directions, respectively.

[Fixed at infinity]
Fixes the focus at infinity, where camera focus adjustment is not required.


To darken the video, set a negative value. To brighten the video, set a positive value.

This cannot be configured when [Settings Page] > [Camera] > [Initial Settings] > [Exposure] is set to [Manual] or [Smart Shade Control] is set to [Auto].

●Clear IR Mode
Select whether to use Clear IR Mode.
Selecting [ON] changes the video to monochrome and reduces distant haze or shimmering of hot air.


Automatically switches between [Day Mode] or [Night Mode] to match the brightness.

[Day Mode]
Color video can be viewed in the normal mode.

[Night Mode]
Video is shown in black and white, due to the disabling of the infrared filter.

This can only be configured when [Clear IR Mode] is set to [OFF].

●External Device Output
You can control the output to an external device connected to the camera.

(9) Snapshot button
Captures the image in the video display area, and saves the still image to the device.

●Saving a Snapshot

●Closing the Snapshot Panel