How to Transfer Images to the Computer Using Image Transfer Utility 2 (Wi-Fi) (Windows 8.1)
Article ID: ART171775 | Date published: 09/11/2018 | Date last updated: 09/13/2018


How to Transfer Images to the Computer Using Image Transfer Utility 2 (Wi-Fi) (Windows 8.1)


Getting Started

How to send images from the camera to a computer using Image Transfer Utility 2.

  • In the following explanation, computer setting procedures are indicated by the icon, and camera setting procedures are indicated by the icon.


Step 1 : Intalling Image Transfer Utility 2

1. Download the software [ Image Transfer Utility 2 ] from the Canon homepage on to your computer, and proceed to installation.



2. Once the installation is complete, the settings window for [ Image Transfer Utility 2 ] will be displayed, click [ Next ] .



3. [ Preparation ] will be displayed, read the details carefully and click [ Next ] .



4. [ Pairing Setup ] will be displayed. Keep the screen as it is displayed, and move on to the next step.


Step 2 : Connecting the Camera to the Computer

1. Press the button.



2. When the [ Nickname ] screen appears, press the button.



3. Confirm the Nickname (Name of the camera). After confirmation, press the button.
  • Nicknames are 1 - 8 characters and can be changed later.



4. Press the / buttons to choose [ OK ] , press the button.



5. Press the button.
Return to the function settings menu.



6. Press the / buttons to choose [ ] , press the button.



7. Press the / buttons to choose [ 1 ] .



8. Press the / buttons to choose [ Wireless communication settings ] , press the button.



9. Press the / buttons to choose [ Wi-Fi settings ] , press the button.



10. Press the / buttons to choose [ Auto send images to computer ] , press the button.

If [ Wi-Fi ] settings has [ Disable ] selected, change settings to [ Enable ] .



11. Press the / buttons to choose [ Auto send ] , press the button.



12. Press the / buttons to choose [ Enable ] , press the button.



13. Press the / buttons to choose [ OK ] , press the button.



14. Right-click the Start button ( ) on the bottom left of the screen, and then select [Network Connections].



15. Right-click [Wi-Fi] and select [Status].



16. Select the SSID that matches with the one shown in [SSID:], and then press the button. (See the SSID example below).



17. Click [Wireless Properties].



18. Click the [Security] tab.



19. Tick the [Show characters] checkbox.



20. On the [ Password ] screen, press the button.



21. Enter the password displayed in the [Network security key]. (See the password example below).



  • For information on how to use the on-screen keyboard, see [Using the On-Screen Keyboard].
  • Press the button after the letters have been confirmed, before returning to the previous screen.



22. After the password has been entered, press the / buttons to choose [ OK ] , press the button.



23. Click [Cancel].



24. Click [Close].



25. Close [Network Connections].



26. Press the / buttons to choose Key index, press the button. (This screen may or may not be displayed)
  • Press the / buttons to choose [ OK ] , press the button to go to the next step.



27. Press the / buttons to choose [ Auto setting ] , press the button.
  • Press the / buttons to choose [ OK ] , press the button to go to the next step.



28. The computer name will appear. Confirm that the name displayed on the [ Pairing Setup ] screen is the same, press the button.



29. If the camera Nickname is displayed under [ Procedure for this screen ] , select camera and click on [ Pairing ].



30. Once pairing is complete, the [ Setup Complete ] window will appear, click [ OK ] .



31. The [ Waiting ] window will appear for Image Transfer Utility 2. To continue transfering images from the camera, stay on this screen and wait.

To save images in a different folder, click on the computer icon to open [ Set Destination Folder ] window.


Step 3 : Setting Up Auto Image Transfer

1. Choose [ ] menu > [Wireless communication settings] > [Wi-Fi settings] > [Auto send images to computer].



2. Choose [ Image sending options ] .



3. In [Image sending options], specify the transfer conditions.



4. Make sure the camera is off.


Step 4 : Sending Images to the Computer

1. Confirm that the Image Transfer Utility 2 window shows [ Waiting ] .



2. The images will automatically transfer to the computer once the camera has been turned on within range of the access point.



3. To confirm the transferred images, click [ Open Destination Folder ] .
  • The images will now be automatically transferred to the computer everytime, once the camera is turned on within range of the access point. If auto-transfer does not start, restart the camera.
  • When using auto image transfer, ensure that the battery pack has sufficient charge. Power saving on the camera is deactivated.
  • Any images captured after auto image transfer are not sent to the computer then. They are sent automatically when the camera is restarted.
  • Auto image transfer to a computer is triggered by camera startup within range of the access point. If auto image transfer does not begin automatically, try restarting the camera.
  • To stop sending images automatically, choose [Auto send images to computer] > [Auto send] > [Disable].
  • Once Image Transfer Utility 2 is installed, it will continue to work unless the software has been closed.
  • Click on of the Image Transfer Utility 2 screen, choose [ Quit ] , this will disable auto-transfer even when the camera is turned on. To Enable wireless transfer again, turn on Image Transfer Utility 2.


Using the On-Screen Keyboard

Use the on-screen keyboard to enter information. Note that the length and type of information you can enter varies depending on the function you
are using.
Entering characters
Press the / / / buttons or turn the dial to choose the key of your desired character, and then press the button.
Moving the cursor
Choose [ ] or [ ] and press the button.
Switching input modes
Choose [ ] , press the button to switch to capital letters.
Choose [
] , press the button to switch to numbers and characters.
Deleting characters
Choose [ ] and press the button. The previous character will be deleted.
Confirming input
After pressing the button, press the / buttons to choose [OK] , press the button.



  • To return to the previous screen, press the button.


Computer Environment Required for Connecting the Camera via Wi-Fi (Image Transfer Utility 2)