Glossary of Terms / Keys for Calculators
Article ID: ART172300 | Date published: 10/23/2018 | Date last updated: 10/24/2018


Calculator Terms / Keys



The following is a glossary of terms and keys used on Canon calculators.  Please note that not all calculators will have all of the keys shown here.
ACCUMULATION SWITCH: When this switch is set at the AM position, entries or calculation results are automatically accumulated In the memory every time the"*/=" key is pressed (also known as summation).
CLEAR KEY: Used for clearing all calculating registers except for the memory register.
CLEAR ENTRY KEY: Used for clearing the immediate entry only (will not affect prior entries).
CONSTANT SWITCH/KEY: Used for performing multiplication and division by a constant number. With multiplication the first number is the constant. with division the second number is the constant. 
  DC: Direct Current. Power is provided by batteries.
DECIMAL POINT SELECTOR: Used for pre-selecting the decimal point position, e.g. +3210F.

ADD MODE (+): When set to Add Mode, the decimal point will automatically be input two places to the left from the last number entered. For example, if you enter 500, 5.00 will print.

FLOATING POSITION (F): This will give the most accurate result by allowing the answer to fill all available display/print digits. For example, If you have a 12 digit model and you enter 10 / divided 3, you will get 3.3333333333. 
DELTA PERCENT KEY: Used to obtain an increase or decrease ratio (change in percentages). For example, sales for last year were $10,000. And for this year they are $12,000. Using this key, you can determine that there was a 20% increase in sales.
  DIGIT: Any number from 0 to 9.

MEMORY SIGN: Lights up on the display when the memory is in use.

OVERFLOW SIGN: This symbol appears on the display to indicate an overflow error condition when the calculated result exceeds the number of digits available on the display.

MINUS SIGN: Indicates a negative number.
  DUAL POWER: A calculator with both Solar and Battery capability. If the light level in a room Is below a certain point, the solar power feature will switch over automatically to the battery power. 
  FLUORESCENT DISPLAY: The Fluorescent Display has blue/green colored numbers generated by an LEO, Light Emitting Diode, on a black background. An advantage is easy readability. 
  GLOview DISPLAY: Combines the advantages of a Fluorescent Display and an LCD by providing an extra-large, brightly-illuminated green display on a black background. 
  LCD: (Liquid Crystal Display) characterized by black numbers on a light background.
  INTEGER: A whole number or zero.
MARK UP/DOWN: Used for performing mark up {profit) and mark down calculations.
MEMORY PLUS EQUAL KEY: Used for obtaining a calculation result (for multiplication and division only) and adding the result automatically to memory. This key is also used to add a number directly to memory.
MEMORY MINUS EQUAL KEY: Used for obtaining a result (for multiplication and division only) and subtracting the result automatically from memory. When a negative number Is entered in minus memory, the result is a positive entry. 
MEMORY SUBTOTAL KEY: Provides a temporary total for the contents of the memory.
MEMORY TOTAL KEY: Provides a Grand Total of what is in the memory.
  MIXED LOGIC: Calculators that handle addition and subtraction In one register and multiplication and division in a separate register. You must press the Total Key to complete an addition and subtraction problem and the "=" (Equal key) for multiplication and division.
SUBTOTAL FUNCTION: This is used to print out an intermediate result (subtotal) at any point during a calculation. 
NON-ADD FUNCTION: is used to print out figures that do not affect the calculation such as dates, social security numbers or invoice numbers. The figures are printed on the left side of the paper roll. 
  NON-VOLATILE MEMORY: Memory capacity used for permanent storage of information. The Information will not be lost when the power is shut off. There is a battery backup that retains the information.
SIGN CHANGE KEY: Changes the existing sign of a number from positive to negative and vice versa.
SQUARE ROOT KEY: Calculates the square root of a number.  For example, the square root of 16 is 4.
RIGHT SHIFT KEY: When the input data overflows or is input incorrectly, pressing the key each time shifts the figure to the right by one digit by erasing the last digit of the figure one at a time.
GRAND TOTAL: Total of all numbers that have been input.
DOUBLE ZERO KEY: Inputs 2 zeros at a time for larger numbers to save keystrokes.
TRIPLE ZERO KEY: Inputs 3 zeros at a time for larger numbers to save keystrokes and time.
PAPER FEED KEY: Used for advancing the printing paper (also known as Paper Advance Key, indicated by an arrow}.
  PARALLEL PRINTING: A type of printing calculator system that prints one line at a time. It uses an ink ribbon or ink roller making it faster, quieter and more durable.
PLUS/MINUS KEY: Used for performing percentage calculations. Convenient for Add-on and Discount calculations. For example: 200 x 20% gives you 40.00, then if you press the "+" (plus key), you will get 240.00. This saves the time of having to manually add 40.00 to 200.00. The same works in reverse using the "-" (minus key). 200 x 20% gives you 40.00, then press the "-" (minus key), you will get 160.00. 
PRINT ON-OFF/ITEM COUNT SWITCH: Can set the calculator to either display, or print entries. If the switch Is set to OFF, entries and results will appear on the display but will not be printed out. If the switch Is set to PRINT, entries and results will be printed.
ROUND-OFF/UP/ROUND DOWN SWITCH: For rounding a final result to a preselected number of decimal digits, usually for multiplication or division results although on some machines, addition and subtraction results can also be rounded off.
  SERIAL PRINTING: A type of printing calculator system that prints one character at a time and uses a hammer-strike print method. The print speed is generally slower and tends to be less quiet than parallel prlnters.
  SINGLE LIVE MEMORY: A "Volatile" temporary memory used to calculate the operations as they are being entered and will only be saved while the device is on. As soon as the power ls turned off, the calculations are gone.
  SOLAR-POWER: A calculator which under normal room lighting conditions will be powered by a built-in solar powered cell. The Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell Is sensitive to fluorescent lighting that is prevalent In today's offices.
TAX KEY: Allows quick, one-touch sales tax calculations.
TOTAL/EQUALS KEY: Used to obtain a calculation result.
  TWO-COLOR PRINTING: The capability of a printing calculator to print out positive numbers In one color, usually black or purple, and negative numbers in a second color, usually red.
BUSINESS FUNCTION: Performs cost, selling price and profit margin calculation.
TIME CALCULATION: Used to calculate the amount of time or duration of activities, such as wages, hours, and cost estimation.
CURRENCY CHANGE: Perform currency conversion if the corresponding rate is registered.