Professional Print & Layout - Starting Layout Plug-In for Professional Print & Layout (macOS)
Article ID: ART172782 | Date published: 12/20/2018 | Date last updated: 01/18/2019


Layout Plug-In for Professional Print & Layout is a plug-in for creating a layout design when you intend to stretch a photo over a frame.



Layout Plug-In for Professional Print & Layout is a plug-in for creating a layout design when you intend to stretch a photo over a frame.

The layout is created so that even the sides of the frame can be wrapped with the image.

Start Layout Plug-In for Professional Print & Layout from Adobe Photoshop.

  1. Open the image you want to print in Photoshop.

  2. From the File menu of Photoshop, select Automate > Canon Layout Plug-In for Professional Print & Layout....

    Layout Plug-In for Professional Print & Layout starts.


    Click Execute to start Professional Print & Layout.


  • Layout Plug-In for Professional Print & Layout cannot be started when no image is displayed in Photoshop.
  • If Layout Plug-In for Professional Print & Layout is not displayed in the menu of Photoshop, follow these steps to install the Photoshop plug-in.

    1. Exit Photoshop.
    2. Select Applications from the Go menu of Finder, and then double-click Canon Utilities > Professional Print & Layout > Install Files > the Plug-In Install icon.
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install.

      • The Photoshop plug-in may not be installed if Photoshop has never been started.