Setting Up the Network REALis 4K6020Z / 4K5020Z
Article ID: ART172848 | Date published: 12/21/2018 | Date last updated: 12/21/2018


Setting Up the Network  REALis 4K6020Z / 4K5020Z


Displaying the Network Configuration Screen
1 Turn on the computer and projector.

Network functions are not available until about 40 seconds after the projector is plugged in.

2 Launch a web browser, enter “http://(projector IP address)” in the address bar, and press the Enter key.
The projector web screen appears.

The factory default IP address is “” for wired connections (IPv4) and “”
for wireless connections (IPv4). If DHCP settings are used, ask the network administrator for the projector
IP address. It is possible to check the IP address from the projector menu

3 Click [Settings] on the web screen.
The password input window appears.
4 Enter the user name and password on the password input window, then click [OK].
The factory default user name is “root” and the password is “system”.
The settings screen is displayed. Complete the network settings on this screen.