Menu Description REALis 4K6020Z / 4K5020Z
Article ID: ART172868 | Date published: 12/24/2018 | Date last updated: 12/24/2018


Menu Description  REALis 4K6020Z / 4K5020Z


Color adjustment
> [Image adjustment] > [Color adjustment]
Adjust color-related settings such as color level, color balance, and color temperature

In [DICOM SIM] image mode, [Color temperature] is not adjusted with numeric values but
set to one of the following five presets.
Preset 1: Prioritize brightness, relative to DICOM Standard Part 14.
Preset 2: Prioritize color tone, relative to DICOM Standard Part 14.
Preset 3: Adjust color to conform to DICOM Standard Part 14.
Preset 4: Reproduce colors of X-ray film (Clear base).
Preset 5: Reproduce colors of X-ray film (Blue base).