Register a password, set a password,REALis 4K6020Z / 4K5020Z
Article ID: ART172879 | Date published: 12/24/2018 | Date last updated: 12/24/2018


Register a password, set a password,REALis 4K6020Z / 4K5020Z


> [System settings] > [Other settings]
Register a password,or set a password

Password settings
Disables the projector unless the correct password is entered.

• You cannot set [On] unless you have completed [Register password].
Once you set a password, the password entry screen appears at power-on.
Enter a 4 digit password.
Enter the password using the buttons or number buttons on the
remote control.
If the password is valid, the projection starts. If you enter a wrong password three times, the power will be turned off.
• The projector also goes off after three minutes of inactivity on the password input screen.

Register password
You can register a password for starting projection.
Enter a 4 digit password.
Enter the password using the pointer buttons or the number
buttons on the remote control.
The 4-digit password is entered from the left to right digits. When the final digit is entered, the password is automatically registered.
Press the MENU button to abort the registration.