Examining the Nozzle Check Pattern - TS702

Article ID: ART173068 | Date published: 01/07/2019 | Date last updated: 03/05/2019



Examining the Nozzle Check Pattern

Examine the nozzle check pattern, and clean the print head if necessary.

  1. Check if there are missing lines in the pattern A or horizontal white streaks in the pattern B.

    If there are missing lines in the pattern A:

    • C: Good
    • D: Bad (lines are missing)

    If there are horizontal white streaks in the pattern B:

    • E: Good
    • F: Bad (horizontal white streaks are present)

    If any color in the pattern A or the pattern B is not printed:

     (Example: Magenta pattern is not printed)

    If one of the above is applied, cleaning the print head is required.

    TS702 Page

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