Capturing a Required Part in the Video (TRIMMING) VIXIA HF W10 _ HF W11
Article ID: ART173453 | Date published: 01/16/2019 | Date last updated: 01/16/2019


Capturing a Required Part in the Video (TRIMMING)  VIXIA HF W10 _ HF W11


Capturing a Required Part in the Video (TRIMMING)
Select the required part of a video and save it as a new video file.
  • The original video remains in its existing location.

1 Open the LCD monitor.
  • Check if the recording mode is
  • If the mode is still image, tap on the recording screen to display the mode switching screen. 
  • Tap to switch the mode to video.
2 Tap M to select the playback mode.

3 Tap “MENU”.

4 Tap “EDIT”.


6 Tap the video to edit.

7 Tap to pause playback at the desired start point, then tap “A”.
  • When “A” is tapped, the start point is set.
  • After setting the start point, tap to continue playback.
8 Tap to pause playback at the desired end point, then tap “B”.
  • When “B” is tapped, the end point is set. 
  • To reset the start or end point, tap “A” or “B” at the desired scene (position). 
  • You can fine adjust the position by pressing  and while playback is paused.
9 Tap “SET”.
  • When “SET” is tapped, the trimming area is confirmed.
10 Tap “YES”.
  • After copying, tap “OK”.
  • When copying finishes, the copied file is added to the index screen.
Memo :
  • The division point may deviate slightly from the selected scene.