Text Displayed During Driver and Software Installations is Too Small - Windows 10
Article ID: ART173577 | Date published: 01/23/2019 | Date last updated: 01/23/2019


This article will provide steps for enlarging the text displayed on a Windows 10 PC if the text appears too small when installing Canon drivers and software.



If text that appears during Canon driver and software installations appears to be too small on your Windows 10 PC, follow the steps below to enlarge the text.

  • These steps will enlarge all text displayed on your PC.
  1. From the Start menu, click the Settings  icon.
  2. Click System.

  3. Towards the bottom of the window, click Advanced display settings.

  4. Towards the bottom of the window, click Advanced sizing of text and other items.

  5. Set all items in the drop down menu to a size larger than 9.

  6. Click Apply.  Then, close the window.

    Please note that this will change the size of all text displayed on your screen.  To change the text size again, follow these steps but select a different size in step 5.