How to move saved jobs around on the PRO/TX/TM Series Hard Drive Using the Remote UI
Article ID: ART173589 | Date published: 01/28/2019 | Date last updated: 01/28/2019


How to move saved print jobs between folders on the printer's hard drive using the Remote User Interface (RUI).


  1. Open the Remote User Interface (RUI) in your browser using the IP address on the printer.  Click Log on and enter the password if one is set.

  1. Select Job management in the left column and when it opens select Saved Job in the right column.

  1. Select the folder you wish to move the saved job from.  This is normally the Common job box.

  1. Select the print job you wish to move and open it.

  1. Click Edit at the bottom of the page.
  1. Click on the Move button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Select the destination job box where you wish to move the saved job.  When done click OK.