Formatting the card on the EOS-1D X Mark II
Article ID: ART174017 | Date published: 04/23/2019 | Date last updated: 04/23/2019


Formatting the card on the EOS-1D X Mark II


Formatting the Card.
If the card is new or was previously formatted by another camera or computer, format the card with this camera.
 When the card is formatted, all images and data on the card will be erased. Even protected images will be erased, so make sure there is nothing you need to keep. If necessary, transfer the images and data to a computer, etc., before formatting the card.

1. Select [Format card].

  • Under the [tab, select [Format card], then press <>.

2. Select the card.

  • [] is the CF card, and [] is the CFast card.
  • Select the card, then press <>.

3. Format the card.

  • Select [OK], then press <>.
  • The card will be formatted.

Format the card in the following cases:

  • The card is new.
  • The card was formatted by a different camera or a computer.
  • The card is full of images or data.
  • A card-related error is displayed.
  • Card's file formats
    Cards with 128 GB or lower capacity will be formatted in FAT32.
    Cards with a capacity higher than 128 GB will be formatted in exFAT.
    CFast cards will be formatted in exFAT ragardless of capacity.

    When shooting a movie with a CF card larger than 128 GB or with a CFast card formatted in exFAT, the movie will be recorded in a single file even if it exceeds 4 GB. (The movie file will exceed 4 GB.)
  • If you format a card with a capacity over 128 GB with this camera and then insert it into another camera, an error may be displayed and the card may become unuseable. Certain OS of a computer or card reader may not recognize a card formatted in exFAT.
  • When the card is formatted or data is erased, only the file management information is changed. The actual data is not completely erased. Be aware of this when selling or discarding the card. When discarding the card, destroy the card physically to prevent personal data from being leaked.
  • The card capacity displayed on the card format screen may be smaller than the capacity indicated on the card.
  • This device incorporates exFAT technology licensed from Microsoft.