SmartWorks fails to run / load properly / AIO freezes
Article ID: ART175285 | Date published: 09/09/2019 | Date last updated: 05/13/2020


 If you are experiencing issues where SmartWorks fails to load / run properly / or the AIO is freezing up, follow the steps below.


Make sure all of the MFP 5 software is closed.
  1. Using the Windows Explorer – search the local C: drive for a hidden folder named ProgramData
  2. In this ProgramData folder – look for the SmartWorks MFP 5 folder – DELETE this folder – then ReBoot the PC.

Also make sure that the AIO has not been set to "Power Saving" or "Balanced (recommended)". If so, change it to "High Performance".


A couple more useful things to try!!

  • From the SmartWorks Desktop, try slowing the scan speed from 100% to lower
  • Try a different USB 3.0 cable
  • Try a USB 2.0 cable
  • Try scanning to a desktop folder instead of a network folder
  • Set Network Mode to "BUFFERED" (unless scanning to the local C drive, then use "DIRECT")
  • Set the T36 Power Saver Mode to more than 14 minutes (click the scanner information button (lower left)
  • Change the Windows Updates "Active Hours" setting to after business hours
  • Set power settings to "High Performance"
  • Set Sleep Timer to "OFF"